Running backup with different firmware version

syafiqabdullah Lv1Posted 29 Apr 2024 16:29

Hi, i would like to ask question. Is it possible running backup accross cluster with different version? Because i want to upgrade my 2 cluster from 6.7.2 to 6.9.1, but will do the DRC site first. Will it stop the backup from my production site if the version is different?

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Sangfor HCI potentially supports running backups across clusters with different versions, but it's generally recommended to upgrade both clusters to the same version for optimal performance and compatibility. Here's a breakdown:

Limited Support for Version Differences:

    Sangfor's documentation might not explicitly mention support for backups across different versions. However, features like cross-cluster live migration (introduced in Sangfor HCI 6.9.0) suggest some level of inter-version communication might be possible.
    There's a possibility that backups from your production site (6.7.2) might work with the upgraded DRC site (6.9.1).

Reasons to Upgrade Both Clusters to Same Version:

    Guaranteed Compatibility: Upgrading both clusters to the same version (6.9.1 in this case) ensures seamless backup functionality and eliminates any potential version-related issues.
    Optimal Performance: Running the same version across clusters avoids compatibility overhead and utilizes the latest features and bug fixes in both locations.
    Simplified Management: Managing a homogenous environment (same version on both clusters) is easier and less prone to configuration complexities.
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mdamores Lv3Posted 30 Apr 2024 14:42

Sangfor recommends to upgrade and use the same version before running backup jobs between the clusters to avoid compatibility issues and complexity with regards to management. But in some cases, it will work but troubleshooting might be difficult since you are using 2 different versions.

You also have to consider the following:

1. upgrade both clusters first then backup after
2. create a test environment and try to run backup jobs using different versions
3. best approach is to consult with Sangfor support for immediate support and assistance
jerome_itable Lv3Posted 30 Apr 2024 16:03
Sangfor HCI potentially supports running backups across clusters with different versions, but it's generally recommended to upgrade both clusters to the same version for optimal performance and compatibility. Here's a breakdown:

Limited Support for Version Differences:

    Sangfor's documentation might not explicitly mention support for backups across different versions. However, features like cross-cluster live migration (introduced in Sangfor HCI 6.9.0) suggest some level of inter-version communication might be possible.
    There's a possibility that backups from your production site (6.7.2) might work with the upgraded DRC site (6.9.1).

Reasons to Upgrade Both Clusters to Same Version:

    Guaranteed Compatibility: Upgrading both clusters to the same version (6.9.1 in this case) ensures seamless backup functionality and eliminates any potential version-related issues.
    Optimal Performance: Running the same version across clusters avoids compatibility overhead and utilizes the latest features and bug fixes in both locations.
    Simplified Management: Managing a homogenous environment (same version on both clusters) is easier and less prone to configuration complexities.
Enrico Vanzetto Lv3Posted 30 Apr 2024 18:17
Hi, executing backups or migrations between Sangfor HCI clusters of differing versions may not be a smooth process. It’s generally advised to keep both clusters on the same version.

In the context of migrating VMs between clusters, it’s considered best practice to match the firmware versions of the source and destination clusters to prevent potential issues. This principle also applies to backup and replication tasks.

Before proceeding with an upgrade, it’s recommended to create a comprehensive backup of your current setup. Additionally, it’s important to verify the compatibility of the new version with your existing hardware and software components.

If you decide to upgrade your DRC site to version 6.9.1 before your production site, which is on version 6.7.2, it could potentially disrupt the backup process. To ensure a safe backup process, it’s advisable to maintain the same version across both sites.

For the most accurate advice tailored to your specific circumstances, please reach out to Sangfor’s technical support or your IT department. They can provide guidance based on your infrastructure and needs.
Zonger Lv4Posted 30 Apr 2024 21:02
Yes, it's generally possible to run backups across clusters with different software versions. However, it's essential to ensure compatibility between the backup software and the versions of the clusters being backed up. Typically, modern backup solutions are designed to handle variations in software versions and can support backups from different versions of the same software. It's advisable to check the compatibility matrix or documentation provided by your backup software vendor to confirm compatibility between the backup solution and the different versions of your clusters.
pmateus Lv2Posted 30 Apr 2024 21:26

If your cluster/backup have important data i suggest to contact sangfor support.  They will guide you with the best way to upgrade.

Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 02 May 2024 09:44
Sangfor HCI enables backups across clusters with different software versions, ensuring seamless data replication. However, it is generally recommended to upgrade both clusters to the same version for optimal performance and compatibility.
Tayyab0101 Lv2Posted 02 May 2024 13:20
its quite possible to have backup with different versions.
but when it comes to cluster, its a thimb rule to have same version across all the nodes.
Newbie290036 Lv2Posted 02 May 2024 20:24
It is generally not recommended to run backups across clusters with different versions, as compatibility issues may arise. When upgrading your clusters from 6.7.2 to 6.9.1, it's advisable to perform the DRC site upgrade first before upgrading the production site. This approach will minimize the risk of backup disruption due to version discrepancies.
Farina Ahmed Posted 03 May 2024 15:32
Yes, it is possible to run backups across clusters with different versions, but it's essential to ensure compatibility between backup software and the versions of the clusters.

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