Sangfor HCI Cluster controller migrate manual

Newbie342581 Lv1Posted 05 Mar 2024 16:07


Can a cluster controller function migrate manually to other node.


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If you meant by changing cluster controller to another node, then yes. You can refer to the example below. Select the node which you want to be new cluster controller. Select More>Set to Cluster Controller
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AimanHakim Lv2Posted 07 Mar 2024 11:20
If you meant by changing cluster controller to another node, then yes. You can refer to the example below. Select the node which you want to be new cluster controller. Select More>Set to Cluster Controller
jerome_itable Lv3Posted 12 Mar 2024 13:06
No, manually migrating a Sangfor cluster controller function to another node within the HCI environment is not recommended and might not be feasible. Here's why:

    Preserves System Stability: Sangfor HCI is designed for automatic failover mechanisms. The cluster controller functionality is crucial for maintaining overall system stability and ensuring service continuity. Manual intervention disrupts this automated process, potentially leading to unexpected behavior or downtime.

    Synchronized Operations: Cluster controllers operate in an active/passive high-availability mode, constantly synchronizing data to guarantee consistent state across both nodes. Manual migration might disrupt this synchronization, causing data inconsistency and compromising system integrity.

    Potential Data Loss:  Forcing a manual switch without proper failover procedures could lead to data loss or service disruptions. Sangfor HCI's designed failover prioritizes data integrity and minimizes downtime.

Recommended Approach:

In situations where a planned migration is necessary due to hardware failure or maintenance, it's crucial to consult Sangfor support.  Support engineers possess the expertise and tools to perform a safe and controlled migration process while ensuring data integrity and service continuity.

Here are the general steps involved in a supported migration process:

    Initiate Support Ticket: Contact Sangfor support and explain the situation.
    Gather Information: Provide support with necessary details like Sangfor HCI version, node information, and the reason for the migration.
    Guided Migration: Sangfor support will guide you through the recommended procedure, which might involve utilizing specific utilities or tools to ensure a smooth and safe migration.
mdamores Lv3Posted 12 Mar 2024 14:33
Sangfor HCI currently does not support manual function migration of cluster controller to another node but below are some ways how Sangfor HCI handles failover:

1. automatic failover thru High availability
2. focused on stability thru automated failover to ensure a smoother and more reliable failover process, which minimizes downtime and data loss
Enrico Vanzetto Lv3Posted 12 Mar 2024 16:30
Hi, you can set the cluster controller manually. Keep in mind that if you have to plan downtime on hci node, it's better to move all the vm htat are crucial to node that will remain active during downtime.
Prosi Lv2Posted 12 Mar 2024 16:39
On Sangfor HCI platform, a cluster can be created by adding multiple nodes in order to
manage resources centrally. To create a cluster, you need to add hosts into that cluster.
You can access Sangfor HCI GUI to manage virtual machines through cluster IP address in
case one node fails. To configure cluster IP address, go to System > General > Cluster
Zonger Lv4Posted 12 Mar 2024 18:42
No, Sangfor HCI currently does not support manual function migration of cluster controller to another node. It is not even recommended and feasible as well.
pmateus Lv2Posted 12 Mar 2024 19:42

Yes, a Sangfor cluster controller function can be manually migrated to another node. The process involves selecting the node you wish to set as the new cluster controller and then navigating to the appropriate option to set it as the cluster controller.
Farina Ahmed Posted 14 Mar 2024 13:56
Yes, this process involves transferring the responsibility of managing the cluster's resources, tasks, and communications from one node to another while ensuring minimal disruption to ongoing operations. The migration may involve steps such as initiating failover mechanisms, ensuring data consistency, and updating configuration settings to reflect the new node's role.

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