Ted3 Lv2Posted 05 Sep 2023 18:50
The WANO dashboard only support on the legacy browser such as IE
jerome_itable Lv3Posted 06 Sep 2023 08:12
If you have trouble accessing Sangfor WANO (Wide Area Network Optimization), you can try these steps to help you troubleshoot the problem.

1. check you firewall and security systems
2. Check if you have internet connection
3. check your browser compatibility
4. Review you NIC and network configuration
5. If you have a proxy, check your proxy settings
6. Try clearing your browser's cache
7. Check the host file (located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts) for any entries related to Sangfor WANO. Remove any such entries if found.
8. Lastly, if non of these works. Please reach out to Sangfor support.
Zonger Lv4Posted 06 Sep 2023 16:20
  • Check Network Connectivity:

      Ensure that your Windows 10 device has a working internet connection. You can try accessing other websites or services to confirm this.
  • Verify Configuration:

      Double-check the network configuration on your Windows 10 device, including IP settings, DNS settings, and gateway settings, to ensure they are correctly configured.
  • Firewall and Antivirus Software:

      Sometimes, firewall or antivirus software can block access to certain network resources. Temporarily disable any firewall or security software on your Windows 10 device and check if you can access Sangfor WANO.
  • VPN or Proxy Settings:

      If you are using a VPN or proxy server, ensure that it is properly configured and not causing any interference with your connection to Sangfor WANO.
  • Browser Compatibility:

      If you are accessing Sangfor WANO through a web interface, try using different web browsers to see if the issue is browser-specific.
  • Sangfor Support:

      Contact Sangfor support or your organization's IT support team for assistance. They can provide specific guidance and troubleshooting steps tailored to your Sangfor WANO setup.
  • Windows 10 Updates:

      Ensure that your Windows 10 operating system is up to date with the latest updates and patches. Sometimes, software updates can resolve compatibility issues.
  • Network Troubleshooting:

      Use Windows 10's built-in network troubleshooting tools to diagnose and fix network-related issues. You can access these tools through the Control Panel or Settings.
  • Event Logs:

      Check the Windows Event Viewer for any error messages or events related to network connectivity or Sangfor WANO. This can provide valuable information for troubleshooting.
  • Proxy Settings:

      If your organization uses a proxy server, ensure that your Windows 10 proxy settings are correctly configured to allow access to Sangfor WANO.

ArsalanAli Lv3Posted 06 Sep 2023 16:26
WANO  can easily be access on Windows 10
I think there is another issue if you can not able to access the WANO
following are the Troubleshooting points

1. Clear Browser Cache
2.Use a Different Browser
3.Disable Browser Extensions
4.Check Your Internet Connection
5.Check for Windows Updates

CLELUQMAN Lv3Posted 07 Sep 2023 09:12
No support for tablets & smartphones
RAL Lv2Posted 07 Sep 2023 09:44
Answer : Due to compatibility issue.
rivsy Lv5Posted 07 Sep 2023 10:01
IP is not binded
Cman81 Lv2Posted 07 Sep 2023 16:50
Windows 10 not connect to network
Shiela012 Lv3Posted 08 Sep 2023 10:16
Because it has its own patented VPN
Vhee012 Lv3Posted 08 Sep 2023 10:19
Bec Sangfor Wano is a connectivity and optimization solution providing seamless connectivity among data center