MTR Lv2Posted 22 May 2023 21:24
Check the Connection Status: Verify that the connection between ES and CC is still established and active. Ensure that the network connectivity between the two systems is functioning properly.

Verify Integration Settings: Double-check the integration settings in both ES and CC. Ensure that the correct endpoints, credentials, and configurations are provided. Make sure that the integration settings are saved correctly in both systems.

Log Monitoring and Indexing: Check the Elasticsearch logs to see if there are any error messages or warnings related to the integration. Verify that the logs you expect to be sent to CC are being properly indexed in Elasticsearch.

Debug Logging: Enable debug logging or increase the log verbosity level for the integration components (ES and CC). This can provide more detailed information about the issue and help in troubleshooting.

Review Error Messages: When you receive a "failed operation" error while modifying and saving the integration settings, look for any accompanying error messages or error codes. These can provide clues about the specific problem and help in finding a solution.

Test Configuration Changes: Try making small, incremental changes to the integration settings and saving them. This can help identify if there is a specific configuration parameter causing the issue. You can also try reverting back to a previously working configuration to see if the problem persists.

Consult Documentation and Support: Check the documentation for both ES and CC regarding the integration setup and troubleshooting. Look for any known issues, common pitfalls, or specific troubleshooting steps. If needed, reach out to the support channels of the respective products for further assistance.

Consider Firewall and Security Settings: Ensure that there are no firewall rules or security settings blocking the communication between ES and CC. Verify that the necessary ports are open and that any authentication or encryption requirements are properly configured.

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