Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2022-Oct-10 16:06

Please try to update to latest FW:
IAG 13.0.47 (Stable release)

There are some improvement for this issue:
IAG V13.0.47 Release Notes.jpg
BitCloud Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-10 16:56

Having issue with all of endpoint devices i think the problem is the route
Farrukh Khatib Lv1Posted 2022-Oct-10 17:56
update the firmware to the lasted one.
Rhebie Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-11 08:59
Please double-check the configuration, IP address, and firewall settings if you are on the same network. You can test the endpoints by pinging them.
Ashley Anne Lv2Posted 2022-Oct-11 09:05
Please double-check your routing configurations and blockings/filterings.
Natsu Dragneel Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-11 09:40
Issue with all of endpoint devices i think we go with routing problem
Noah19 Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-11 09:48
Troubleshoot endpoint verification for users
Rashley Lv2Posted 2022-Oct-11 09:54
It might be routing issue
isabelita Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-11 10:19
check the configuration if properly config, IP address,
noime Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-11 10:40
The route to the IAG has a problem

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