Sangfor Application Delivery

Gab25 Lv1Posted 31 Jul 2018 12:01

I want to ask if Sangfor Application Delivery have mac binding and mac reserve like NGAF.

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Since AD do not support DHCP function, therefore there will be no MAC binding and MAC reservation function.
Is this answer helpful?
CTI LS Lv3Posted 31 Jul 2018 14:17

May I know what is the main requirement?
Gab25 Lv1Posted 31 Jul 2018 22:56
Last edited by Gab25 01 Aug 2018 00:45.

Here's the requirement:
-Able to handle 2 fiber links
-Load balance
-Mac binding
-Mac reservation for IP
-Port forwarding
CTI LS Lv3Posted 01 Aug 2018 10:08

Since AD do not support DHCP function, therefore there will be no MAC binding and MAC reservation function.
Imran Tahir Lv4Posted 13 Jun 2022 16:12
Thanks for the information

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